PRO DATA TECHNOLOGIES is a Information Technology Consulting Company established in the year 2023 with its Headquarters in Scottsdale-Arizona, USA and does businesses operations from two countries USA and India.

Who we are

Our firm is designed to operate as one—a single global partnership united by a strong set of values. We are equally committed to both sides of our mission: attracting and developing a talented and diverse group of colleagues and helping our clients create meaningful and lasting change.


Our mission is to help enterprises accelerate adoption of new technologies, untangle complex issues that always emerge during digital evolution, and orchestrate ongoing innovation. Whether it is a consumer-oriented app or a transformative enterprise-class solution, the company leads the process from ideation and concept to delivery, and provides ongoing support through its IS360 framework.

Our Commitments

We are dedicated to managing our firm and working with our clients in ways that benefit individuals, communities, and the environments they live in.

PRO DATA TECHNOLOGIES is a Information Technology Consulting Company established in the year 2023 with its Headquarters in Scottsdale-Arizona, USA and does businesses operations from two countries USA and India. Pro Data Technologies is a Minority Owned Enterprise (MBE) offering services involves design, development, data analytics, data curation, database development, Cloud computing, Network security, software testing and maintaining of End to End IT software and system lifecycle which requires talent expertise in every phase of a project, applications & systems including Mainframe, ERP and SAP systems. Pro Data Technologies services are based on requirements specified by operational business users from different industries such as Banking & Financial, Consumer Good and Distribution, Telecommunication, Insurance, Engineering, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Retail, Manufacturing and Automotive. The business model offers a unique synergy of IT software and system skills, Industrial design and IT consulting experience, which results in providing high quality Technology Professionals ready to deliver reliable end–to-end software and systems that exceed client expectations. We understand the importance of functionality, security, robustness and performance, and we do our best utilizing industry proven IT technologies and tools.